-Vitamin D 800-1000 IU/Day reduces cancer, osteoporosis, and possibly the risk of M.S.
-Vit D production decreases with age, so especially elderly people need higher levels.
-The Canadian Cancer Society in June called for all Canadian adults to get 1,000 IU of
vitamin D daily.
Vitamin D deficiency is now associated with higher risks of 22 forms of cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, flu and many other disorders.
Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in June, 2007, a four-year clinical trial followed 1,200 women who took high levels of vitamin D and matched them against a control group who did not take the vitamin. Those rich in vitamin D had up to 77 percent fewer cancers as compared to the control group. That's twice the impact on cancer risk attributed to smoking!
Pregnant women should consult their physicians about getting 2,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily - 10 times the current government recommendation
1200 mg of Calcium per day decreases risk of colon cancer by 27 percent
Ideally, healthy adults should get between 1200 to 1500 mg. of Calcium per day. After age 35 women can no longer deposit calcium into their bones using most regular supplements. A supplemental form of calcium which can build bone in women after age 35-- and even after menopause--is called microcrystalline hydroxyapitate. It is available from a few different companies, but the one I recommend is “Bone Up” by Jarrow Formulas. Six (6) capsules per day supply sufficient calcium, magnesium, some vitamin D, and many other cofactors for continued bone growth and maintenance.
More than 50% of women already being treated for osteoporosis are Vit D deficient.
25-50 % of the population over age 50 is Vit D deficient
Vit D deficiency is associated with increased risk of…
- 22 types of cancer including breast, colon, and prostate
- Multiple sclerosis
- Hypertension
- Rhuematiod Arthritis
- Type I Diabetes
- Chronic Pain Syndromes (90 percent of people with chronic non-specific pain have Vit D deficiency)
*Sometimes less than 10 Minutes of daily sun exposure can prevent Vit D deficiency *
…The time of year, the latitude at which we live, the amount of clothing we wear, our skin pigmentation, and the amount of sun screen we have on are all factors which affect how much Vitamin D we can produce from the sun…
Click here to read an excellent article explaining these factors in detail.
Conditions Contributing to Vitamin D Deficiency (partial list)
Geography – northern latitudes have decreased amounts of sun radiation
Weather/Season – overcast, rainy, or cold regions requiring less outdoor time and more clothes cover for the body
Statin Drug users or patients on cholesterol lowering medications
Malabsorption syndromes – especially interfering with fat digestion
Normal ageing
Institutionalized elderly patients with decreased sun exposure
Lack of sun exposure and sunscreen use – the UV(B) burning rays that sunscreens are designed to block are the same wavelength necessary to produce Vitamin D in the skin.
People who largely spend their days indoors due to work, climate, habit
Cancers: prostate, colon, breast
Long-term: use of prednisone, anti-convulsant medications
Use of medications with photosensitivity precautions
Liver and kidney disease – including kidney stones and gall stones
Congestive heart failure
Peripheral arterial disease
Systemic Lupus Erathematosus (S.L.E.)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Risks of Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and NSAID's
Risks of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID’s)
After taking Ibroprofen for 6 months…
Persons have Three Times the risk of dying from stroke, heart attack, or other heart related problems (Marilynn Marchione, Associated Press, 4/19/2005)
1 aspirin per day therapy carries with it a 40% increased risk of stroke!
Taking 1 Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra carries with it a 500 % increased risk of stroke!
1 in 10,000 people will die from taking Tylenol, even at lower doses…
Tylenol is the most common cause of liver failure in the United States
After 5 years on Ibuprofen ….
-Women are 50 % more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer
-Women are 80 % more likely to develop breast tumors which are not
sensitive to hormones estrogen or progesterone (Rita Rubin, USA Today, 6/1/2005)
The New England Journal of Medicine stated…
The lifetime total amount tolerated before end stage renal or liver failure
(A) Tylenol = 1000 (at 1/day, for 365 days, reach this after 3 yrs)*
(B) Ibuprofen = 5000 (at 1/day, reach this in about 13 years)*
* note, multiple tablets per day cuts the above numbers in ½, 1/3, etc.
(C) The most common cause of liver failure in the U.S. is Tylenol
(D) One of the most dangerous pain medications is Vicodin = Tylenol w/Codeine … “by the time you handle the addiction you are often far along into end stage liver disease”.
A nationwide case-control study from Finland of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID’s) - European Heart Journal, May 26, 2006
“In the largest population-based observational study thus far on the cardiovascular risk associated with NSAIDs, in users of both COX-2 Inhibitors (Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra) and conventional NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen (aleve), clinoril, voltaren, etc.) the results showed”…
“None of the above anti-inflammatory drugs were found to have a protective effect against myocardial infarction among current users. Instead, the increased risk for myocardial infarction with NSAID users was between 35% - 50%.”
“In the users of conventional NSAIDs, the increased risk for myocardial
infarction was “elevated regardless of the length of use.” (even for 1 day’s use)
“The risk of serious upper gastrointestinal events [bleeding] is 200 – 500%
greater in users of NSAIDs compared to non-users. 16,500 Americans die each year from bleeding ulcers related to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxyn.”
A Harvard Medical School Study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, February 2007;167:394-399, found that NSAID usage also lead to increased risk of high blood pressure in men they studied. Taking …
-Tylenol 6-7 pills/week increased the risk of hypertension by 34%
-Aspirin 6-7 pills/week increased the risk of hypertension by 26%
-Other NSAIDs 6-7 pills/week increased the risk of hypertension by 38%
-Tylenol or Aspirin 7-15 pills/week raised the risks to 52% and 32%, respectively
After taking Ibroprofen for 6 months…
Persons have Three Times the risk of dying from stroke, heart attack, or other heart related problems (Marilynn Marchione, Associated Press, 4/19/2005)
1 aspirin per day therapy carries with it a 40% increased risk of stroke!
Taking 1 Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra carries with it a 500 % increased risk of stroke!
1 in 10,000 people will die from taking Tylenol, even at lower doses…
Tylenol is the most common cause of liver failure in the United States
After 5 years on Ibuprofen ….
-Women are 50 % more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer
-Women are 80 % more likely to develop breast tumors which are not
sensitive to hormones estrogen or progesterone (Rita Rubin, USA Today, 6/1/2005)
The New England Journal of Medicine stated…
The lifetime total amount tolerated before end stage renal or liver failure
(A) Tylenol = 1000 (at 1/day, for 365 days, reach this after 3 yrs)*
(B) Ibuprofen = 5000 (at 1/day, reach this in about 13 years)*
* note, multiple tablets per day cuts the above numbers in ½, 1/3, etc.
(C) The most common cause of liver failure in the U.S. is Tylenol
(D) One of the most dangerous pain medications is Vicodin = Tylenol w/Codeine … “by the time you handle the addiction you are often far along into end stage liver disease”.
A nationwide case-control study from Finland of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID’s) - European Heart Journal, May 26, 2006
“In the largest population-based observational study thus far on the cardiovascular risk associated with NSAIDs, in users of both COX-2 Inhibitors (Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra) and conventional NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen (aleve), clinoril, voltaren, etc.) the results showed”…
“None of the above anti-inflammatory drugs were found to have a protective effect against myocardial infarction among current users. Instead, the increased risk for myocardial infarction with NSAID users was between 35% - 50%.”
“In the users of conventional NSAIDs, the increased risk for myocardial
infarction was “elevated regardless of the length of use.” (even for 1 day’s use)
“The risk of serious upper gastrointestinal events [bleeding] is 200 – 500%
greater in users of NSAIDs compared to non-users. 16,500 Americans die each year from bleeding ulcers related to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxyn.”
A Harvard Medical School Study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, February 2007;167:394-399, found that NSAID usage also lead to increased risk of high blood pressure in men they studied. Taking …
-Tylenol 6-7 pills/week increased the risk of hypertension by 34%
-Aspirin 6-7 pills/week increased the risk of hypertension by 26%
-Other NSAIDs 6-7 pills/week increased the risk of hypertension by 38%
-Tylenol or Aspirin 7-15 pills/week raised the risks to 52% and 32%, respectively
Is it Safe to Eat Seafood? Mercury and PCB's vs Omega 3's
Is it Safe to Eat Seafood? Weighing Mecury and PCB Contamination Against the Benefits of Omega 3 fats.
Edited by Michael B. Ackerman, D.C La Jolla, CA www.DepthHealing.com
Levels of pollutants, such as mercury, tend to be higher in long-lived, larger fish, particularly shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish. These fish tend to average about 1,000 ppb (parts per billion) of mercury — the FDA limit for human consumption — while most other fish tend to have about one-tenth to one-third of this amount. Eating a fish with 1,000 ppb of mercury is not necessarily toxic, but it should not be consumed more than once per month and definitely not by young children and pregnant or nursing women. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has also advised that fresh-water fish may contain more mercury than commercially caught fish and advises that "If you are pregnant or could become pregnant, are nursing a baby, or feeding a young child, limit consumption of fish caught by family and friends to one meal (about 6 ounces) of fish per week." The same limit is recommended for albacore ("white") tuna, as it may occasionally contain excessive levels of mercury.
Follow this link to see a recent article in USA Today about the 11 best fish to consume based upon their low level of contaminants and their higher levels of heart healthy Omega 3 fats… http://www.usnews.com/listings/best-fish/11-best-fish-high-in-omega3-and-environment-friendly
Polychlorinated Biphenols (PCB’s)
Farmed salmon has higher levels of PCB’s (25-50 ppb) and usually a lack of proper fatty acids, as compared to wild ocean salmon with (.5-5 ppb) PCB’s and a good balance of EPA/DHA fatty acids.
High PCB levels have also been found in…
Pork 18 ppb
Beef 22
Chicken 32
Butter 70
Sardines 57
Skip Jack Tuna 45
White Albacore Tuna 100
(The FDA considers levels of 2000 ppb of PCB’s to be unsafe)
If the diet of a group of 100,000 people were to be adjusted to include 1000 mg of EPA/DHA daily from ‘farmed’ salmon over a typical 70 year lifetime, the increased risk of cancer in this group from consumed PCB’s would result in approximately 16 more people dying of cancer (24 people total) than would otherwise be expected if they had consumed a “Standard American Diet”. However, there would be 7,100 fewer deaths due to heart disease if these people added this amount of fish to their diets!
So a population consuming a typical “Standard American Diet” with the usual proportions of “bad” fats and partially hydrogenated oils from processed, fried and fast foods, that is higher in meat and land animal consumption, have a much greater likelihood of experiencing long-term health problems -- resulting in 7,100 more deaths/ 100,000 individuals. Whereas a population consuming high omega 3 seafoods in their diet, even when it is farmed and contains somewhat higher levels of PCB’s, end up having only 16 more deaths/ 100,000 individuals.
So… we can see by “doing the math” that adding fish regularly to our diet is still overwhelmingly a very good idea!
Edited by Michael B. Ackerman, D.C La Jolla, CA www.DepthHealing.com
Levels of pollutants, such as mercury, tend to be higher in long-lived, larger fish, particularly shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish. These fish tend to average about 1,000 ppb (parts per billion) of mercury — the FDA limit for human consumption — while most other fish tend to have about one-tenth to one-third of this amount. Eating a fish with 1,000 ppb of mercury is not necessarily toxic, but it should not be consumed more than once per month and definitely not by young children and pregnant or nursing women. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has also advised that fresh-water fish may contain more mercury than commercially caught fish and advises that "If you are pregnant or could become pregnant, are nursing a baby, or feeding a young child, limit consumption of fish caught by family and friends to one meal (about 6 ounces) of fish per week." The same limit is recommended for albacore ("white") tuna, as it may occasionally contain excessive levels of mercury.
Follow this link to see a recent article in USA Today about the 11 best fish to consume based upon their low level of contaminants and their higher levels of heart healthy Omega 3 fats… http://www.usnews.com/listings/best-fish/11-best-fish-high-in-omega3-and-environment-friendly
Polychlorinated Biphenols (PCB’s)
Farmed salmon has higher levels of PCB’s (25-50 ppb) and usually a lack of proper fatty acids, as compared to wild ocean salmon with (.5-5 ppb) PCB’s and a good balance of EPA/DHA fatty acids.
High PCB levels have also been found in…
Pork 18 ppb
Beef 22
Chicken 32
Butter 70
Sardines 57
Skip Jack Tuna 45
White Albacore Tuna 100
(The FDA considers levels of 2000 ppb of PCB’s to be unsafe)
If the diet of a group of 100,000 people were to be adjusted to include 1000 mg of EPA/DHA daily from ‘farmed’ salmon over a typical 70 year lifetime, the increased risk of cancer in this group from consumed PCB’s would result in approximately 16 more people dying of cancer (24 people total) than would otherwise be expected if they had consumed a “Standard American Diet”. However, there would be 7,100 fewer deaths due to heart disease if these people added this amount of fish to their diets!
So a population consuming a typical “Standard American Diet” with the usual proportions of “bad” fats and partially hydrogenated oils from processed, fried and fast foods, that is higher in meat and land animal consumption, have a much greater likelihood of experiencing long-term health problems -- resulting in 7,100 more deaths/ 100,000 individuals. Whereas a population consuming high omega 3 seafoods in their diet, even when it is farmed and contains somewhat higher levels of PCB’s, end up having only 16 more deaths/ 100,000 individuals.
So… we can see by “doing the math” that adding fish regularly to our diet is still overwhelmingly a very good idea!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What You May Not Know About Statin Drugs
Compiled by Dr. Michael B. Ackermanman
Although Statin Drugs may achieve a 30-50% decrease in your LDL cholesterol, please thoroughly consult with your medical doctor about alternatives to them.
Statin Drugs have many side effects you may not be aware of:
While these drugs lower the risk of heart disease, Statin drug users don’t have an overall lower mortality rate! Instead of dying from heart disease, death rates increase from other causes and drug-induced side effects, for example…
Cancer – rates increase since Statin drugs lower the production of a compound called NFicB in white blood cells, which would otherwise act to fight cancers.
Vitamin D - levels are lowered when cholesterol production is lowered by Statin Drugs
Thus you need an extra 1000 IU Vit D per day, or about 2-3000 IU total daily supplementation of Vitamin D3, if you are on Statin Drugs…
Without supplements, Vit D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of…
- 22 types of cancer including breast, colon, and prostate
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Hypertension
- Rhuematiod Arthritis
- Type I Diabetes
- Chronic Pain Syndromes (90 percent of people with chronic non-specific pain have Vitamin D deficiency)
Coenzyme Q10 - production is lowered when taking Statin Drugs
Thus you need to supplement an additional 500-600 mg CoQ10 per day.
Due to this Co Q10 production deficiency…
- Statin drugs destroy connective tissue
- Statin users have a 14X greater likelihood of peripheral neuropathy “pinched nerves” throughout their bodies
- 2 years on Statin drugs increase the likelihood of a peripheral neuropathy by about 26X !
Note: If you take Coenzyme Q10 supplements while on diabetes medication, you may suffer to great a blood sugar lowering effect. Consult your doctor or pharmacist first!
Transient Global Amnesia - is another side effect of taking Statin Drug
Multiple Sclerosis - Statin Drugs are linked with an increased likelihood of M.S.
A large study funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (a part of the National Institute of Health) which looked at sleep patterns of people who took the statin drug Zocor or Simvastatin found they had significantly worse sleep quality compared with people who took Pravachol or pravastatin, another non-Statin type of cholesterol-lowering drug. "The findings are significant because sleep problems can affect the quality of life and may have adverse health consequences, such as promoting weight gain and insulin resistance," said Dr. Beatrice Golomb, of the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine.
Statin Drugs - A Poor Choice for an "Anti-inflamatory"
Strangely, Statin drugs work to help fight heart disease more as a result of their property of lowering inflammation in the body, versus their other property of lowering cholesterol in the body! While they lower bad cholesterol “LDL’s”, they don’t raise good cholesterol “HDL” levels, which doesn’t create an ideal health picture. So if a person wishes to achieve the same inflammation lowering effect as Statin drugs while greatly affecting their cholesterol and HDL levels, the following supplements (especially combined with diet and exercise), can be better alternatives without all the dangerous side effects discussed above…
Omega 3 fatty acids* - found in fish oils. They are 44% better at reducing overall mortality compared with Statin drugs. A supplement should contain up to 2700 mg of EPA and 1200 mg of DHA total per day.
“Ruby Red” Grapefruit - research has shown than eating one per day gives you nearly the equivalent cholesterol lowering effect that Statin drugs have.
(SOURCES: Gorinstein, S. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Feb. 3, 2006; online edition. News release, American Chemical Society.)
Psyllium husk fiber - (10 gm/day) and/or Ground Flax seed (50 gm/day)
Phytosterol and Stanol Esters - have been shown to significantly reduce total cholesterol with up to a 9-14% reduction in LDL cholesterol. They help to reduce absorption of cholesterol in your intestines and must be taken with meals.
Good formulas containing Phytosterols, which are best taken in ‘gel cap’ form are:
(1) Puritan’s Pride Phytosterol Complex
(2) Twin Lab Cholesterol Success
(3) Natrol Cholesterol Balance
(4) Vitamin Shoppe Advanced Cholesterol Formula
Eliminate excess Cholesterol, Saturated Fats, and Partially Hydrogenated Oils (containing Trans fat) from your diet…
Most people could achieve a cholesterol level of 150-180 by just adopting a low fat diet with a daily ingestion of no more than…
7-15 grams (65-135 calories) of saturated fat and
150-200 mg of cholesterol
Although saturated fat is the main dietary culprit that raises LDL, trans fat and cholesterol eaten in your diet also contribute significantly. Trans fat can often be found in processed foods made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils such as vegetable shortenings, some margarines especially margarines that are harder), crackers, candies, cookies, snack foods, fried foods, and baked goods. Read labels which now are required to list the types of fat content in foods.
Cardiovascular Exercise
25 to 40 minutes, 3x per week, at least at 75% of your maximum heart rate level, i.e., (220-Your Age) X .75 = target heart rate. This frequency and intensity has been shown to increase HDLs and lower LDLs. If you are out of shape, start training at a lower heart rate level, for less time, and gradually build up to a 75% max heart rate level. A good rule of thumb is never exercise at a sustained level which has you breathing so hard that you cannot carry on a normal conversation.
Statin Drugs (Page 3)
Consider this Recent Article Reviewing Studies Which Have Been Done On Statin Drugs
In a revealing article, “The Case for Statins: Has it Really Been Made?” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, October 2004; Volume 97, Number 10, pp. 461-464, the authors state:
The ‘positive’ outcomes of statin research studies “have been magnified by the manner of presentation of results...” For example, in a study where 100 patients take statin drugs, 2 will have a fatal heart attack. In 100 patients taking a placebo, 3 will have a fatal heart attack. The absolute risk reduction of a heart attack is clearly 1 percent. Yet the drug company spins the pathetic results by dividing 2/3 and publishing the relative risk, which is a 33 percent reduction of a fatal heart attack. This is dishonest. These authors claim an honest disclosure would be to state “if you take statins then, in seven years time, there is a one chance in about 120 that your death will have been prevented.”
** Be Sure to Never Discontinue Prescription Drugs Without the Advice of your Medical Doctor !
Although Statin Drugs may achieve a 30-50% decrease in your LDL cholesterol, please thoroughly consult with your medical doctor about alternatives to them.
Statin Drugs have many side effects you may not be aware of:
While these drugs lower the risk of heart disease, Statin drug users don’t have an overall lower mortality rate! Instead of dying from heart disease, death rates increase from other causes and drug-induced side effects, for example…
Cancer – rates increase since Statin drugs lower the production of a compound called NFicB in white blood cells, which would otherwise act to fight cancers.
Vitamin D - levels are lowered when cholesterol production is lowered by Statin Drugs
Thus you need an extra 1000 IU Vit D per day, or about 2-3000 IU total daily supplementation of Vitamin D3, if you are on Statin Drugs…
Without supplements, Vit D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of…
- 22 types of cancer including breast, colon, and prostate
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Hypertension
- Rhuematiod Arthritis
- Type I Diabetes
- Chronic Pain Syndromes (90 percent of people with chronic non-specific pain have Vitamin D deficiency)
Coenzyme Q10 - production is lowered when taking Statin Drugs
Thus you need to supplement an additional 500-600 mg CoQ10 per day.
Due to this Co Q10 production deficiency…
- Statin drugs destroy connective tissue
- Statin users have a 14X greater likelihood of peripheral neuropathy “pinched nerves” throughout their bodies
- 2 years on Statin drugs increase the likelihood of a peripheral neuropathy by about 26X !
Note: If you take Coenzyme Q10 supplements while on diabetes medication, you may suffer to great a blood sugar lowering effect. Consult your doctor or pharmacist first!
Transient Global Amnesia - is another side effect of taking Statin Drug
Multiple Sclerosis - Statin Drugs are linked with an increased likelihood of M.S.
A large study funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (a part of the National Institute of Health) which looked at sleep patterns of people who took the statin drug Zocor or Simvastatin found they had significantly worse sleep quality compared with people who took Pravachol or pravastatin, another non-Statin type of cholesterol-lowering drug. "The findings are significant because sleep problems can affect the quality of life and may have adverse health consequences, such as promoting weight gain and insulin resistance," said Dr. Beatrice Golomb, of the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine.
Statin Drugs - A Poor Choice for an "Anti-inflamatory"
Strangely, Statin drugs work to help fight heart disease more as a result of their property of lowering inflammation in the body, versus their other property of lowering cholesterol in the body! While they lower bad cholesterol “LDL’s”, they don’t raise good cholesterol “HDL” levels, which doesn’t create an ideal health picture. So if a person wishes to achieve the same inflammation lowering effect as Statin drugs while greatly affecting their cholesterol and HDL levels, the following supplements (especially combined with diet and exercise), can be better alternatives without all the dangerous side effects discussed above…
Omega 3 fatty acids* - found in fish oils. They are 44% better at reducing overall mortality compared with Statin drugs. A supplement should contain up to 2700 mg of EPA and 1200 mg of DHA total per day.
“Ruby Red” Grapefruit - research has shown than eating one per day gives you nearly the equivalent cholesterol lowering effect that Statin drugs have.
(SOURCES: Gorinstein, S. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Feb. 3, 2006; online edition. News release, American Chemical Society.)
Psyllium husk fiber - (10 gm/day) and/or Ground Flax seed (50 gm/day)
Phytosterol and Stanol Esters - have been shown to significantly reduce total cholesterol with up to a 9-14% reduction in LDL cholesterol. They help to reduce absorption of cholesterol in your intestines and must be taken with meals.
Good formulas containing Phytosterols, which are best taken in ‘gel cap’ form are:
(1) Puritan’s Pride Phytosterol Complex
(2) Twin Lab Cholesterol Success
(3) Natrol Cholesterol Balance
(4) Vitamin Shoppe Advanced Cholesterol Formula
Eliminate excess Cholesterol, Saturated Fats, and Partially Hydrogenated Oils (containing Trans fat) from your diet…
Most people could achieve a cholesterol level of 150-180 by just adopting a low fat diet with a daily ingestion of no more than…
7-15 grams (65-135 calories) of saturated fat and
150-200 mg of cholesterol
Although saturated fat is the main dietary culprit that raises LDL, trans fat and cholesterol eaten in your diet also contribute significantly. Trans fat can often be found in processed foods made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils such as vegetable shortenings, some margarines especially margarines that are harder), crackers, candies, cookies, snack foods, fried foods, and baked goods. Read labels which now are required to list the types of fat content in foods.
Cardiovascular Exercise
25 to 40 minutes, 3x per week, at least at 75% of your maximum heart rate level, i.e., (220-Your Age) X .75 = target heart rate. This frequency and intensity has been shown to increase HDLs and lower LDLs. If you are out of shape, start training at a lower heart rate level, for less time, and gradually build up to a 75% max heart rate level. A good rule of thumb is never exercise at a sustained level which has you breathing so hard that you cannot carry on a normal conversation.
Statin Drugs (Page 3)
Consider this Recent Article Reviewing Studies Which Have Been Done On Statin Drugs
In a revealing article, “The Case for Statins: Has it Really Been Made?” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, October 2004; Volume 97, Number 10, pp. 461-464, the authors state:
The ‘positive’ outcomes of statin research studies “have been magnified by the manner of presentation of results...” For example, in a study where 100 patients take statin drugs, 2 will have a fatal heart attack. In 100 patients taking a placebo, 3 will have a fatal heart attack. The absolute risk reduction of a heart attack is clearly 1 percent. Yet the drug company spins the pathetic results by dividing 2/3 and publishing the relative risk, which is a 33 percent reduction of a fatal heart attack. This is dishonest. These authors claim an honest disclosure would be to state “if you take statins then, in seven years time, there is a one chance in about 120 that your death will have been prevented.”
** Be Sure to Never Discontinue Prescription Drugs Without the Advice of your Medical Doctor !
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