Wednesday, May 2, 2012


When we have stiffness or pain in the body, we cannot always tell if we have a problem involving only a muscle or if we also have a joint problem, which may involve the malfunctioning of the vertebrae within our spine.

When attempting to treat spinal problems primarily with yoga or exercise, if you are unsuccessful, or if your problem worsens, further yoga or exercise may prove dangerous. Yoga and exercise are designed to restore movement and function to the spine as a whole, but research has shown that individual inflammed, fixated, or degenerating joints of the spine may persist and even be worsened by attempted stretching or strengthening exercises. Once a skilled chiropractic doctor treats you and restores proper function to the problem areas of your spine, when inflammation subsides, stretches and other exercises can then be very beneficial and supportive to healing. Chiropractic care, proper stretching and strengthening exercises, and massage are each vital parts of a "holistic" approach to successfully treating spinal and joint conditions.

I have treated many yoga students as well as many yoga instructors, and I often have found that about 25-30% of the postures they are doing are potentially quite dangerous. If you have any questions about your individual yoga routine, it is good to consult a chiropractic doctor who can examine your spine and make specific recommendations to you for your ideal exercise routine.

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